Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy
Welcome to the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy Technique Review for CLTs Course online registration process. Please read through the agreement below and indicate you have done so at the bottom of the page. You can then proceed to the checkout page where you will be prompted for your contact and payment information. Please do not hesitate to call us toll-free at (866) 808-2249 if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in one of our upcoming courses!
Technique Review for CLTs Course Agreement
The following agreement is made between the student registering for the course and the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy.
Professional Prerequisite
Registration is limited to Certified Lymphedema Therapists (CLTs). CLTs must possess a certificate of completion from a LANA®-recognized, comprehensive MLD/CDT training program.
After acceptance into the course, the student will receive a confirmation letter indicating the exact starting and ending times as well as pertinent information about the location of the course.
Tuition for the Technique Review for CLTs Course is $595.
Refund Policy
Tuition is non-refundable once the live class has begun. Refunds are processed in the order they are requested and are typically issued 4-6 weeks from the date of request.
100% attendance is expected of each student and is required for a certificate of completion to be issued.
Special Needs Requests
This continuing education activity is fully accessible to special needs students and addresses the needs of individuals with physical impairments, sensory impairments (e.g., hearing, speech, vision), and emotional and learning disabilities. The provider ensures an instructional environment that enhances the learning process. Resource or reference materials and instructional aids and equipment are current, appropriate for the learning activity, and support the intended learning outcomes. The provider attempts to create a fully accessible educational environment from which all learners can benefit, and provides an opportunity for learners to identify special needs in advance of the activity.
Cancellation of Classes
If the course is cancelled because of insufficient registration, tution payments can be refunded or transferred to another class as elected by the registrant. If the course is cancelled for any other reason, a new course will be scheduled and tuition payments will be transferred. In the event the instructor becomes ill, the class will be rescheduled.
Documentation Requirement
After completing the online registration process, please email, fax, or mail us a copy of your professional license and MLD/CDT Certificate of Completion. We require a copy of these documents to complete your registration.
I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. I further agree that checking the "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions" box, entering my full name in the "Full Name" box, and entering a valid e-mail address in the "E-Mail Address" box collectively constitute an electronic signature thereby rendering this Agreement valid and legally binding.
IP Address:
Student Agreement Version: TR230128
† as defined by the Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act