Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy
While other lymphedema certification programs may share a common origin with the Norton School as they are also based on the Foeldi Method of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), the Norton School has the field's most experienced faculty, conducts trainings at the nation's most prominent healthcare facilities, and delivers the most current lymphedema therapy curriculum. Many of the field's leading authorities consider the Norton School to be the program of choice for lymphedema therapy training.

Norton School faculty members possess an unmistakable passion for teaching CDT and draw upon a wealth of experience in the field of lymphedema therapy to deliver the most current and relevant information to students. Our instructors and assistants are themselves current and expert clinician specialists and are secondarily academicians. We firmly believe this tangible, hands-on knowledge-base builds an exceptional foundation for our educators. From our Executive Director, Primary Instructors, Associate Instructors, and Special Guest Presenters to our internationally-renowned Medical Director, Norton School faculty members are the most knowledgeable and experienced experts in the field of lymphology and state-of-the-art lymphedema management techniques. Our faculty members occupy many leadership positions on professional boards and committees in the field. They demonstrate a depth-of-knowledge, level of involvement, and enthusiasm that is readily apparent from the moment a Norton School course begins. It is therefore no surprise that our alumni report unparalleled educational experiences far surpassing those of other professional continuing education courses. Our mission is to thoroughly prepare our graduates to proficiently handle the most challenging lymphedema patient cases. Our vast network of alumni will readily confirm that Norton School courses not only meet but far exceed that goal.
The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy teaches the Foeldi Method. This method, known as Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), is considered the "Gold Standard" of therapy for lymphedema and is endorsed by the International Society of Lymphology (ISL) in its Consensus Document.
Yes. However, the Vodder technique alone is not lymphedema therapy. The Complete Decongestive Therapy system and its four components make up true lymphedema therapy. Professor Michael Foeldi, MD and Ethel Foeldi, MD were the first practitioners to systematically use the Vodder technique for the treatment of lymphedema and are also the originators of CDT. The Norton School curriculum is based on the most up-to-date research in the field of lymphedema and incorporates the four components of CDT: (1) Manual Lymph Drainage; (2) Compression Therapy; (3) Remedial Exercises; (4) Skin Care
The following professionals are eligible to become certified lymphedema therapists: PTs, PTAs, OTs, OTAs, RNs, MDs, DOs, ATCs, DCs, and MTs. MTs must have completed a minimum 500 hour training program or be nationally certified.
Upon completion of a Norton School certification course, graduates receive an internationally-recognized diploma and are fully certified in the treatment of lymphedema. This certification, along with the school's comprehensive curriculum, fully prepares Norton School alumni to sit for the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA®) Examination®.
LANA® certification signifies that a lymphedema therapist has received training from a reputable lymphedema certification school and has furthermore chosen to become a true specialist in the field of lymphedema therapy. To become LANA® certified a therapist must complete an approved certification course such as that offered by the Norton School, and must pass the LANA® national certification examination. Becoming LANA® certified entitles a therapist to add the credentials CLT-LANA to his or her name, thereby further distinguishing the therapist's professional background. LANA's® mission is to support standards of training and education that are based on sound scientific theories and universally-accepted treatment approaches. This standardization provides a foundation upon which Medicare and the private health insurance industry can establish consistent reimbursement guidelines. Standardization also serves to improve the quality and availability of lymphedema patient care by assuring high quality and consistent methodology.
As an approved NCBTMB Category A continuing education provider, the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy is on the vanguard of lymphedema treatment and management. Upon becoming a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT), a massage therapist has significantly advanced his or her training and is now uniquely qualified to work in challenging clinical settings centered around the cutting-edge field of lymphedema management. Many MTs become certified through the Norton School's program in order to specialize in medical massage. MTs are confident in the professional value of the Norton School's training program as the course's CEUs are approved by the NCBTMB. The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy is the premier school for lymphedema education and numerous massage therapists have garnered invaluable knowledge and tools from the program in order to advance their professional careers.
Each Norton School student is trained in the four components of Complete Decongestive Therapy. Upon completion of the class, Norton School graduates will be able to differentiate between a variety of peripheral edemas and will have the ability to understand the application, medical indications, and contraindications for MLD and CDT. They will also be able to establish a CDT treatment plan for individuals with primary or secondary lymphedema and perform the indicated treatment.
  1. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the lymphatic system
  2. Basic techniques and sequences of Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder technique)
  3. Indications and contraindications of Manual Lymph Drainage and Complete Decongestive Therapy
  4. Treatment of primary and secondary lymphedema
  5. Lymphedema bandaging techniques for upper and lower extremities
  6. Remedial lymphedema exercises
  7. Hygienic skin and nail care for lymphedema
  8. Measuring and fitting techniques for lymphedema support garments
  9. Patient evaluation and weekly measuring (circumference and volume)
  10. Home maintenance and self-treatment for lymphedema
  11. Medical billing and reimbursement for clinical lymphedema management
Yes. Graduates in the following professions are eligible for CEUs: PTs, PTAs, OTs, COTAs, Nurses, and MTs. CEUs are issued through the Florida Physical Therapy Association (FPTA), and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) (Category A). FPTA CEUs are nationally recognized throughout the field of physical therapy.
Yes. Lymphedema therapy is billed using standard physical and occupational therapy codes, just as any other condition requiring rehabilitation therapy. Reimbursement issues are covered in the course. Additionally, all Norton School alumni are eligible for reimbursement consultation services either through informal mentoring channels or through structured reimbursement training programs.
  1. comprehensive Norton School course manual
  2. "Textbook of Lymphology" textbook by M. Foeldi
  3. upper extremity exercise video
  4. lower extremity exercise video
  5. genital lymphedema treatment video
  6. three-section general information video regarding lymphedema therapy
  7. upper extremity bandage kit
  8. lower extremity bandage kit
  9. portfolio of most recent product information literature
  10. lifetime listing in the Norton School therapist referral database
Prospective students should submit a completed registration form along with a copy of his or her professional license or diploma and the appropriate deposit. The deposit will hold a spot in the desired course until the full amount of tuition is received. Detailed enrollment information is available on the registration form. Please visit the Course Schedules to begin the registration process.
We can accept registrations as late as 12 noon Eastern time on the Monday before a course begins. This allows us to ship the Home Study Course for Tuesday delivery.
Class hours are 8:00am–7:00pm, Saturday through the following Sunday.
Upon registration, the Home Study Course is sent to each student. This portion of the training consists of a Home Study Course manual, video tape, and lymphology textbook. 45 hours of home study are expected of each student prior to the first day of class. The Home Study Course provides each student with an opportunity to develop a more extensive knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system and ultimately facilitates a smooth commencement and progression of the classroom training. The Home Study must be completed prior to the commencement of the live class.
100% attendance of each participant is expected. Students missing more than five hours of the class may not be permitted to take the final exam and may be unable to receive a certificate of completion. However, extenuating circumstances will be considered.